Author's guideline

Two formats are mainly proposed, symposiums, and PDWs:


Symposiums are the first type of sessions with a reading committee, in which several speakers discuss a common subject or theme in a way that brings new ideas to the subject. The scientific committee expects symposium proposals but also theoretical, empirical, or practical communication proposals, case studies highlighting and illuminating the previous questions. The CREE 2024 organizers will also be able to build symposiums from the submitted and retained proposals to generate discussions and engage new research and ways of valuing the work done. Dialogue being the leitmotif of the conference, exchange times will be favored over presentation times. To facilitate discussions and ongoing research, the expected proposals are extended abstracts. These abstracts concern completed research and results obtained as well as ongoing research.

  • Extended abstracts are between 4 and 8 pages and can include references, tables, and figures.
  • Abstracts must clearly explain the main subject, the method, and the results used to collect and analyze the data as well as a discussion to understand what we will know with this research that we did not know before.
  • A double-blind evaluation process is used. The author's name and information must not appear anywhere in the abstract. Submission suggestions
  • The importance of the subject for research and the practice of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education is explicit. Abstracts open new research frontiers or offer new perspectives that enrich the discussion and discourse. Abstracts must deal with important, timely, and relevant subjects.
  • Abstracts must clearly explain the methods used to collect and analyze data. Data sources must be clearly indicated. It is also helpful to indicate the current stage of data collection and the date you plan to complete data collection and analysis.


Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) are the second format. Professional Development Workshops are a platform for colleagues to share their knowledge and expertise and promote the professional development of workshop participants. It's an opportunity for you to develop innovative and creative workshops that will benefit conference participants. PDW sessions are generally structured as workshops, small group sessions, tutorials, discussion panels, research incubators, or other interactive formats. They provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and the establishment of relationships in a way that does not usually fit the constraints of lecture sessions and symposiums. Knowledge sharing and participation are essential, and PDWs offer the opportunity to experiment with new interaction and engagement models. We encourage submissions presenting innovative topics or themes, new forms of exchange, and experimental formats - for example, sessions that use technology in innovative ways, that create interactions between participants before or after the session, and that engage participants in new ways. Poster sessions are also welcomed. Applicants are encouraged to consider the general theme of the conference, "The Entrepreneur of the Future", when developing their proposals. PDWs are open to a wide audience and also concern students from partner countries of the Tranform4Europe alliance and the Francophone University Alliance.

Proposals will be evaluated based on (a) expected benefits for participants in terms of content and networking, (b) plans to create an interactive and engaging session, (c) the extent of the session's interest for participants and communities, (d) the novelty of the subject or forum for exchanges, (e) effective use of program time, and (f) alignment with the theme of the entrepreneur of the future and his education. We encourage proposals that explicitly address these six criteria. Proposals will be evaluated based on their ability to attract an audience from the discipline concerned or from all communities, as well as their innovative nature and potential impact on the professional success of participants. As PDWs are intended for professional development, proposals must explain how their session will promote interaction and personal development of participants, as well as the audience they aim to attract. To allow interaction, PDWs usually last at least two hours, but sessions can last only one hour. In addition, all submissions are limited to a maximum of 8 pages but must be at least 4 pages. The title page must include the workshop title (in capital letters), an abstract (maximum 250 words), a page explaining why the workshop should interest CREE 2024, a PDW format description page, 1 to 3 workshop presentation pages. The page format requirements for all submissions are as follows: Times New Roman 12 point, double-spaced, 2.5 cm margin all around, and 8.5" x 11" page format. The entire submission must be contained in a single .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .rtf format document.

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